Thursday, October 27, 2011


Imagin a young 25 year old man sitting in his doctors office, felling nerves. He is expecting to hear bad news, but hopeing to be wrong. Then the doctor enters the room, time seems to slow down. She puts her clipboard on the table and takes a seat next to the young patient. For the first time since entering the room she makes eye contact with him. Then proceeds to ask the 25 year old, “How are you truly felling today Son.” The man knew when a doctor ask that question it is useky followed by some bad news. She countinues by explaining that they got all the blood work and test back. Then tells him, “Usely when a 475 pound person comes in to see me, words like dietbeites-heart issues- even stroke pop up as major concerns, however those issues are not even a conceren as the blood work showed all normal on them.” That young man took a big sigh of releif and was very thankful for the good news. Then came that bad news that rained on his prade. She told him, “ you have none of those type of issues, however we do have a huge conceren. If you are to countinue on this path you happen to be on, you will sadly not live past the ripe age of 30 years.
Now picture that young man as he left his doctors that day. What was going through his head? How he must have felt? Did he only have 5 years of his life left? Even better imagin you as that young man. Can you see it? NO! Well I can, becouse that young man was me. I was the one to receive the bad news, the one to be told he would only live another five years. With that said I can proudly say “I am here sitting at a computer in October of 2011 and this past June I celebrated my 30th birthday.”
As I waited five years ago to see whats next in my life,I started to plan and do things I wanted before I die. I forgot one piece of information that was buried in my heart, that God has a bigger plan for me in my life. In Janurary of 2008 He started that plan, by bringing a red hair southeren girl into my life as I stared a new journey. I moved to flordia, then Mississippi all the way to Pittsburgh, Pa. All just to be close to her, however I did not know that was part of Gods Plan. She got me reconnected with my mom and we moved back to Airzona to be close to her. After a few months in Pheneix we moved to Kingman. At the time I did not know that was all part of His PLAN. By way of a young man name Kyle we got back into church at Hilltop Foursquare, a small church Pastored by Norm Taylor. This was the second part of the plan not knowing it would lead to a big part of this plan God had laied out. The person God had chosen for this part is a pastor and spirital leaded also became a mentor to me. Her name is Rhenda Pence and she had a huge inpact in my life. Infact not knowing it at the time her whole family was part of this master plan. Through her I was introduce to a diet I am currently on. It allows me up to 50 carbs a day and doing a daily walk. I added a day and night work out too. My work out reps are 60 incline push ups= 120 a day, 4 min. jog= 8 min. a day. 120 crunches=240 a day. So as you can see it is a perrty good little work out.
With this blog I will keep my readers updated on how this life style change is going for me. I will try to post pictures and even some recipes (Low Carb). I also would like to write a book on “Staring a New Life’ and a recipe book for others who would like to join my and Rhenda on get our life back. We can do it one step at a time.

God Bless,

Mark AKA BigBear